


Hello everyone,

How are you enjoying your spring vacation? Try to you study, and also enjoy the long vacation.

I hope you are careful and safe from the coronavirus. Wishing you good health!
Here are some fun ways to study English. Let's challenge (挑戦する) these activities!!
Þ Fact files!
Þ Story time
The Wolf in Sheepskin.
A wolf (狼) was walking in the countryside (田舎). He found a sheep-skin(羊皮)on the ground
(地面). He thought, "If I wear this skin and join(加わる) the flock (群れ), the shepherd(羊
飼い) will not suspect(疑う) me. At night, I will eat a sheep ".
The wolf covered himself(彼自身) with the sheep-skin and joined a flock of sheep. As he had
expected(予想する), the shepherd took him as a sheep and shut(叫んだ) him also in the sheep
house. The wolf was waiting for the night.
The shepherd had a dinner party that night. He sent(送った) a worker to bring a fat(太った)
sheep. The worker saw(見た) the fat sheep-skin covered wolf. That night, the guests(客) had
the wolf for dinner.
* Moral(教訓): Evil(悪い) thoughts(考え) have evil ends, so always think good thoughts.
Þ Let's think!
Here are some riddles(なぞなぞ) for you to solve!
- Second graders (2年⽣):
Q) Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?
- First graders (1年生):
Q) What has a neck(⾸) but no head?
Enjoy your long spring vacation!!


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